Everything You Need to Know About Ethical Hacking - Information 4 You

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Monday, May 28, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Ethical Hacking

When we hear about the word "hacking" most of us think that it's a bad and illegal thing to do because we think that hackers gain access to unauthorized data and steal all the data and information which we all care about and that is somewhat true.But not all hackers are bad, some hackers don't steal any data and they have skills as a malicious hacker.These hackers are called "Ethical Hackers" or white hat hackers.But what exactly is "ethical hacking" ?. 

What is Ethical Hacking ?

 Ethical hackers use the same techniques and methods to bypass a system's security just like a malicious hacker (or black hat hacker). They  try to exploit vulnerabilities and weakness in different systems but rather than taking advantage of that, they provide advice to those organizations so that they can improve their overall security.They break into systems "legally" and that is main difference between a malicious hacker and ethical hacker.

These hackers are usually employed at organizations to help improve their security so that they can be protected against malicious hackers.There is even a professional certification for ethical hackers: Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH).

Skills Required to be an Ethical Hacker 

  • Should be good at programming  languages such as JavaScript,Python,PHP,C Sharp etc.
  • Networking skills are required to be a successful ethical hacker.
  • SQL skills are required.
  • Know the basic commands Linux-based operating system.
  • Most importantly get certified with the EC Council.


The salary of ethical hackers depends on which country they are living and also depends on the skill level but the average payout to certified ethical hacker in US is 71,000 $ per year

1 comment:

  1. Ethical hacker seems like a nice job that I'll be interested in
